
The Mystery of the Lake Monster

Some people say a giant monster lives in a far-off lake. Other people are not so sure.

By Blair Rainsford
Lexiles: 500L
Guided Reading Level: J
DRA Level: 16-18
Vocabulary: mystery, prove, explored, eels
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As you read, try to solve the mystery of the Loch Ness monster. Do you think it‘s really a monster or something else?

Jim McMahon

The lake is in Scotland.

Welcome to the most famous lake in the world. The lake is named Loch Ness (lahk ness). It is deep. It is cold. It is dark.

Why is this lake famous? It might be home to a giant monster!

Loch Ness (lahk ness) is a famous lake. It is deep. It is cold. It is dark.

Could it be home to a giant monster?

Welcome to the most famous lake in the world, Loch Ness (lahk ness). This deep, frigid, dark lake is in Scotland.

Why is this lake famous? It might be home to a giant monster!

Nessie Shows Up

The monster is known as the Loch Ness monster. People call it “Nessie” for short.

The first story about Nessie was told more than a thousand years ago. The story says a terrifying monster burst out of the water. It roared! Then it dove back down into the deep, dark lake.

People call the monster “Nessie.”

There are many stories about Nessie. They all say a scary monster came out of the water. She roared. She went back in the water.

The monster is known as the Loch Ness Monster but people call it “Nessie” for short.

The first story about Nessie was told more than a thousand years ago. The story says a terrifying monster burst out of the water. It roared and dove back down into the depths of the dark lake.


Here is Loch Ness on a calm day. Could a monster be hiding in the water?

A Big Mystery

Since then, many people have said they have seen Nessie.

But others say the monster can’t be real. There are no monsters, right?

That’s why the Loch Ness monster is such a mystery. It is something that is hard to explain. No one knows the truth about it.

Many people have said they have seen Nessie.

But there are no monsters, right?

That’s why the Nessie stories are hard to explain.

Since then, many people have claimed they have seen Nessie.

But others say the monster can’t be real because there are no monsters, right?

That’s why the Loch Ness Monster is such a mystery. It is difficult to explain, and no one knows the truth about it.


Scientists explore the lake to see if they can prove that Nessie is real. They use a robot that goes underwater.

What is Nessie?

What kind of creature is Nessie anyway?

Some people say she looks like a dinosaur. Other people say she looks like a dragon.

And some people say it’s all just a big mistake. They think people saw a log in the water and thought it was a monster. Or they saw a real animal like a seal and got confused.

People say she looks like a dinosaur or a dragon.

Other people say it’s a mistake. Nessie could be a log. She could be an animal, like a seal.

Some people say she appears to look like a dinosaur, and others think she resembles a dragon.

And some people say it’s all just a big mistake. They think people saw a log in the water and thought it was a monster. Or they were confused by a real animal, like a seal.

Proof at Last?


This is the photo of the fake monster from 1934.

In 1934, a man said he could prove that Nessie was real. That means he could show everyone without a doubt.

He said he took a photo of Nessie! His photo shows a creature with a long neck. The mystery was solved at last!

Not so fast. The photo turned out to be a fake! The man had made a toy monster and taken its photo.

In 1934, a man tried to prove that Nessie was real.

He took a photo. It shows a creature with a long neck. The mystery was solved!

But the photo was fake! It was a toy.

In 1934, a man said he could prove that Nessie was real. He would show everyone without a doubt.

He said he took a photo of Nessie! His photo shows a creature with a long neck. The mystery was solved at last!

Not so fast though, the photo turned out to be a fake! The man had created a toy monster, photographed it and claimed it was Nessie.

Scientists Explore

Over the years, scientists have explored the lake. They have gone into the lake to see what was there.

They have used boats, submarines, and robots. They have sent down scuba divers.

They’ve found fish and other small animals. But they haven’t found Nessie. The scientists couldn’t prove she was real.

Scientists have gone into the lake to see what was there.

They found fish and other small animals. But no Nessie. They couldn’t prove she was real.

Over the years, scientists have explored the lake. They have gone into the lake to investigate what was there.

They have utilized boats, submarines, and robots. They have even sent scuba divers down into the lake. They’ve found fish and other small animals, but they haven’t found Nessie. The scientists couldn’t prove she was real.


People sell Nessie toys, candy, and books!

One Last Dive

Last year, scientists explored the lake again. They wanted to solve the mystery of Nessie once and for all.

The scientists did not find a monster. But they did find a lot of eels! Eels are long, skinny fish. The scientists wondered: Could Nessie just be a big eel?

Last year, scientists tried again. They wanted to solve the mystery!

The scientists did not find a monster. They found eels! Eels are long, skinny fish. Could Nessie be a big eel?

Last year, scientists explored the lake again because they wanted to solve the mystery of Nessie once and for all.

The scientists did not find a monster. But they did find a lot of eels, a type of long, skinny fish. The scientists wondered: Could Nessie just be an enormous eel?

No One Knows!

The truth is, no one knows for sure what Nessie is. It is still a mystery!

But the people who live near the lake like their monster. They like to think Nessie is real. They are even proud of her! She’s famous, after all. People make toys, T-shirts, and snow globes of Nessie.

Maybe someday Nessie will raise her head out of the deep, dark lake and say hello.

Until then, people are happy to live with this creepy monster mystery!

No one knows. It is still a mystery!

But many people like to think Nessie is real.

The truth is, no one knows for sure what Nessie is. It is still a mystery!

But the people who live near the lake like their monster. They like to think Nessie is real and they are even proud of her! She is famous, after all. People make toys, T-shirts, and snow globes of Nessie.

Maybe someday Nessie will raise her head out of her deep, dark lake and say hello.

Until then, people are happy to live with this creepy monster mystery!

video (2)
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More About the Article

Social Studies Focus

Cultural knowledge; Geography: World map

Science Focus


Science tools

Investigating scientific mysteries

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan



The essential question of this issue of Storyworks 2 is: What is a mystery?

  • Reading and discussing “The Mystery of the Lake Monster” along with the other mystery-themed texts in the magazine (the mini graphic novel “Mystery at the Knitting Club,” the paired text “The Mystery of the Missing Bugs,” and the poem “Loch Ness Mystery”) will give kids deep insight into what a mystery is and different kinds of mysteries.
  • Through the above genres, students will discuss: What is a mystery? How are all mysteries alike? How can they be different? Do I like reading this kind of story? Why or why not?


Show Video (10 minutes)

  • Tell your students they are going to watch a video about mysteries. As they watch, ask them to think about: “What is a mystery?”
  • Watch the video “What Is a Mystery?”
  • After watching, ask the questions again. Write students’ ideas on chart paper.

Preview Vocabulary (3-15 minutes)

  • Play the online vocabulary slideshow. This issue’s featured words are mystery, prove, explored, and eels.

Preview the First Pages and Set a Purpose for Reading (5-10 minutes)

  • Now tell students they are going to read a nonfiction article. Tell them it connects to the video they watched about mysteries.
  • Open your magazines to “The Mystery of the Lake Monster.” Preview the text features on the opening pages. Ask, “Where do you think this story takes place? Can you find a map that shows us?” (Scotland)
  • Next, read the Think and Read prompt on page 7: “As you read, try to solve the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster. Do you think it really is a monster or something else?” Encourage children to think about this prompt as they read.


Read Together (15-30 minutes)

  • You can read this article together as a class or in small groups.
  • Check comprehension as you read the issue together with the Pause and Think questions.
  • Build reading stamina: Play our wonderful Video Read-Aloud feature. Kids can hear the issue read aloud and see the imagery come to life. This is especially helpful to give lower-level readers the same access to the story as their classmates.


Assessment: Quiz (10 minutes)

  • Pass out the quiz (available in your Resources tab) to assess comprehension of the article.
  • We also offer a lower-level quiz.

ELA Focus: Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  • Use the Word Work activity (available in your Resources tab) to deepen students’ understanding of the article’s vocabulary words.

ELA Focus: Opinion Writing (20 minutes)

  • Use the “Is the Loch Ness Monster Real?” activity (available in your Resources tab). Kids will write a letter to a friend giving their reasons for why they think the Loch Ness Monster is real or not.

Enrich the Learning: Paired Text Opportunities (time amount varies)

Making text-to-text connections builds knowledge and comprehension. We layer Storyworks 2 with many ways for your students to make connections and enrich the lesson.

Paired Text 1 Poetry Kit: Loch Ness Mystery

  • Find this poem on the back cover of your magazine. The mystery of the Loch Ness Monster is told in the poem—in the shape of the monster!

Paired Texts 2 and 3 Mini Graphic Novel: Mystery at the Knitting Club and Paired Texts: The Mystery of the Missing Bugs

  • These stories ask a similar question to that of “The Mystery of the Lake Monster.” What is a mystery? How do people solve them?
  • Kids can compare the mysteries in the three stories using our “Do a Mystery Chart” online printable. How are the mysteries alike and different?
