Viju Jose/
The cheetah is the fastest land animal. It can go as fast as a car. When it sees an animal it wants to eat, it sprints to catch it!
The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. The sloth is the slowest. It is so slow that you can probably turn the page faster than a sloth will move an inch.
Learning Objective: Children compare and contrast two short, parallel nonfiction articles.
Super Speedy
Viju Jose/
The cheetah is the fastest land animal. It can go as fast as a car. When it sees an animal it wants to eat, it sprints to catch it!
Built to Run
Winfried Wisniewski/Getty Images
Look at those legs!
The cheetah’s body helps it run fast. It has a long, sleek body. It has long legs too. It can take huge steps as it runs.
Secret Power
imageBROKER/Alamy Stock Photo
Can you see how the cheetah blends in?
The cheetah has the power to hide. Its home has yellow grass with shady areas. The cheetah’s yellow fur and black spots blend in. To hide like this is to camouflage.
Super Slow
iStockPhoto/Getty Images
The sloth is the slowest land animal. It hangs from branches. It climbs very slowly from branch to branch.
It doesn’t need to be speedy! It doesn’t chase animals to eat. It eats leaves and fruits.
Built to Hang
Suzi Eszterhas/Minden Pictures
Baby sloth
Sloths may not be fast, but they are strong. Their super strong arms hold on to branches. Their arms won’t let go even if a jaguar tries to pull them down!
Secret Power
Johner Images/Alamy Stock Photo
The sloth can hide too. Tiny green plants grow in its brown fur. The green color matches the leaves. This lets it camouflage in the trees.
More About the Article
Small group; whole group; independent reading
Science Focus
Animal Adaptations
Pairings and Text Connections
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