They each look a little different! Here are a few of them.
They each look a little different!
You’re going to read a story about a penguin. Here are five facts you should know first.
1) There are 18 kinds of penguins in the world.
1) There are 18 kinds of penguins in the world.
They each look a little different! Here are a few of them.
They each look a little different!
2) Some penguins live in the ice and snow.
2) Some penguins live in the ice and snow.
Jim McMahon (Mapman)
Brrr! The coldest place in the world is Antarctica. Some kinds of penguins live there.
Some penguins live in Antarctica. It is the coldest place in the world.
3) Other kinds of penguins live on sandy beaches.
3) Other kinds of penguins live on sandy beaches.
This is a Magellanic (ma-juh-LA-nik) penguin. These penguins live on the beaches and islands of South America. They are great swimmers. They catch fish in the warm waters.
Magellanic (ma-juh-LA-nik) penguins live on the beach in South America. They are great swimmers.
4) Oil can harm penguins.
4) Oil can harm penguins.
Marius Dobilas/Alamy Stock Photo
Some big ships carry oil. Sometimes, the oil spills. Oil can make penguins very sick.
Big ships carry oil. Sometimes the oil spills. Oil can make penguins sick.
5) They live with other penguins.
5) They live with other penguins.
Honk, honk! That is the sound of many penguins. Most penguins spend time with other penguins. They are not friends with people. But you’re about to meet one penguin that was!
They are not friends with people. But you’re about to meet one penguin that was!
About the Article
Science Focus
Biodiversity, Habitats
Social Studies
Geography: maps, continents
Antarctica, islands
Social Studies Focus
Using a globe
This article gives kids background knowledge that will help them better understand this issue’s Big Read nonfiction article, “The Grandpa and the Penguin” on page 6.
ELA Focus: Quiz (10 minutes)
ELA Focus: Key Details (20 minutes)
Enrich the Learning: Paired Text (20 minutes)