Using the Send-Home Letter
Using the Send-Home Letter
We realize how vital the school-to-home connection is, and our goal is to make it easier for you to build that connection, so we’ve created letters for you to share with your students' families. These letters introduce parents and familes to Storyworks 2. They provide parents and families with an easy way to send home your classroom password, so families can read the digital issue and navigate the website. Every letter is available in English and Spanish. We also created a version for you to send to parents and families if you use Google Classroom or Clever in English and Spanish.
You’ll find a Send-Home Letter link at the top of every issue page:

There are several ways you can share the letter with families:
- Download the PDF and attach it to an email.
- Post it on a class webpage.
- Upload the PDF to Google Classroom.
- Copy the link to the PDF and paste it into a post on Google Classroom or another learning management system.
- Copy and paste the text of the letter into an email or text message.
- If you are still in school, photocopy it to send home with students.