Illustration of a kid dressed up as an astronaut and another kid as a pirate
Illustration by Tom Garrett (Art); (All Other Images)

Should Halloween Always Be on a Saturday?

Halloween is always on October 31. Sometimes that’s a weekday. Kim thinks it should always be on a Saturday. Will does not agree. What do you think?

From the October/November 2022 Issue


First of all, Halloween is the best day ever. I look forward to it all year. I want a whole day of candy, costumes, and fun. 

Next, it is hard to focus at school on Halloween. Kids will learn more if Halloween is on a Saturday. 

Last, kids stay up late on Halloween. We need to sleep later the next day. We can’t if we have to get up for school.


First, Halloween is always on October 31. It has been on that day for years. I like to always know when it will be. 

Second, some kids are busy on Saturdays. They have sports. They have chores at home. Halloween on a Saturday would be hard for them. 

Last, it’s fun to go to school on Halloween. You get to see all your friends!

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Have students preview the text features. Ask:

  • What is the topic of the debate? (Prompt students to use the debate title and the picture as clues.)
  • What are the two opinions people might have about this topic?


  • Read the debate as a class or in small groups.
  • You can also have students read the debate as partners, with each student reading one side aloud.


As a class or in small groups, have students discuss:

  • Which opinion do you think makes the most sense?
  • What is your opinion? What information or argument helped you form your opinion?


  • Pass out our opinion-writing printable. Ask students to write their opinion in the top section.
  • Then students can underline three points in the debate that back up their opinion.
  • Last, they can complete our printable to show what their opinion is.
